
News stories by The Patriotic Times are easy-to-skim pieces that pull the facts to the forefront so you can read on the go, then go about your business.

Wondering about the latest developments across the country and around the globe? Questioning how a political event or current happening could impact your rights? We are here for you.

Biden Forced To Face His Failures, Crumbles Under The Pressure

Who is Biden trying to fool by saying the majority of Americans support his policy decisions? The cognitively deficient president constantly repeats the claim that...

Trump Demolishes Deep State Operative — Exposes This Bombshell Truth

Who won't they give a book deal to nowadays? As long as you previously worked for Trump in some capacity, and now wish to...

Biden Pats Himself On The Back For Getting Thousands Of Americans Fired

While Biden has hit the road to pump up his COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses, part of his apparent strategy is to claim that...

Former Biden Border Chief Blows Whistle On Disturbing Reality

We knew it was bad, but no one could have predicted this. Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott said this week he warned the...

Biden Makes Big Mistake On COVID Boosters

Oops! Turns out Biden doesn't have a handle on COVID-19 at all despite his many campaign promises to end the pandemic. Americans are more...

Biden’s Ship Is Sinking – And Even Democrats Can’t Ignore It Now

The American public’s view of the job President Joe Biden has done has just reached a startling new low – and it could be...

Trump Issues Mysterious Warning About ‘Incoming War’

The Democrats' insistence to lie, cheat, and steal presidential elections has reverberated throughout the international community, sending a clear message that American democracy is...

GOP State Prepares For Another Illegal Immigrant Invasion

Unfortunately, this is our new normal. Thanks to Biden's open border policies, border state - mostly Republican-led - will have to endure multiple waves...

Biden Forced To Make Major Changes To The Far-Left Spending Bill

Sleepy Joe is doing everything he can to appease his moderate friends in Congress and pass what appears to be the backbone of his...

Biden Weaponizes DOJ Against Parents Who Don’t Agree With Him

Biden has come under fire after a highly controversial decision to weaponize the Department of Justice (DOJ) against parents concerned about what their children...